
Happy Friday! Today I will:

psst. If you were looking for some mildly cursed retrospective templates, here you go

I'll start with the last bullet point. I want to finish writing this post in under 1 hour because I have already spent 2 hours drafting 3 other posts. I think you'll like them, but I don't know how to slice them into smaller chunks.

What I liked:

What I didn't like:

What I've learned:

Next steps:

The last few days felt like a one giant hackathon. I love hackathons, but I don't like the ones where you build something that is just too big to be finished in the time you have, so you spend the last 30 minutes scrambling to fit a whale into a sardine tin. You see? When I'm tired I come up with metaphors like this. What if I tell people it's a Basque-Portuguese proverb? They might put me in a francesinha!

Thanks for reading. See you on Monday.


Attaching original post I was supposed to push here. I'm attaching it to illustrate the problem with my approach. Consider it a screenshot. Feel free to skim it, but don't worry about reading it!

I mean it, last week I started with product development and ended up with a post titled: "A Science Fiction Novel Set in a World where everyone was still using Internet Explorer". I don't want to hurt you.

Open draft

Preview Screenshot
Just a reminder (especially to myself), this post will be quite superficial in nature. If you want to dive deeper, there will be a longer, more in-depth post on Feel free to drop me a line or Come and Say Hi!

#008 Things I build for my own well-being focused on the things I've built for myself to improve my well-being. This post will focus on the present and the future: the stuff I'm actively developing and hope to eventually share.

First, why kind and what's kind software? Here's a working definition:

Kind software is the one that supports my own well-being. It doesn't get in my way, it doesn't try to extract value from me. Its purpose is to help first and be sustainable within my own means (time, attention, money).


(I'll come up with nicer names, I promise.)

Mental health Toolbox

An app with a list of tools you can reach out to when distracted, feeling down, stressed, anxious, low on motivation. It's highly personalised and co-created together with the user, so details will vary.

It's very low-tech. In fact you can imagine it as a deck of Pokemon/MtG cards, where each card is a thing you can do or think of to get out of your head and respond to whatever challenge lies ahead of you, constructively.


  • when I feel stressed or that I'm rushing, I draw a card telling me to pet my dog.
  • when I'm distracted and noticed that I'm wasting my time on HN, I read a random Wikipedia page, or someone's digital garden (both are beautiful rabbit holes)
  • when I'm feeling down, I give my partner a hug

In a sense this is a deck building game, where instead of cards you collect (or create) new tools to work with and shape yourself.


  • Hyper Island Toolbox (problem-based discovery, ignore the rest)
  • Card games (classic or collectible/deck building)
  • Tinder (card swiping UX)
  • CBT
  • cigarettes (especially nicotine addiction and how it implants itself as a trigger)

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Pickle is not a timer, but a metronome for my attention.

I'm not looking for a Pomodoro tracker. Most of them either have a surprisingly overcomplicated UX or try to be time trackers. I don't have time for that.

What I need is:

  • adaptable work interval durations
    • (e.g. longer in the morning and late afternoon, shorter in the evening)
  • being able to start and stop the timer easily
  • being able to switch to a "theme" (not even a task) easily
  • (optional) record topics somewhere (text, file, calendar, notes)
  • (optional) should be able to meow when the break ends (keeps my dog sharp and excited)

What I don't need is:

  • time sheets
  • to rate your app on the app store

Why not an egg timer or a mobile app?

Egg timers are noisy and I don't work alone. My fingers are too big for the touch screen of my phone. Finally, egg timers generally don't meow. Otherwise, yes, I'd go full egg. I'd even meow at an egg like this old Turkish man.

Random trivia:
Manichaeans (including one of the Catholic Church fathers–St Augustine) used to consider cucumbers sacred? Melons and cucumbers of light would help liberate the soul from the body.

My ambitions for the humber pickle are just that, humble.

An everything canvas

This is big and more people are working on one or another facet of this problem, so I'll keep it relatively high-level.

Imagine an infinite canvas that doesn't operate on images, text, media, but objects. An object could be static like a media file or a piece of text, but it could also be a small computer program, or a primitive dealing with transforming information.

Examples of objects:

  • a note with a single word
  • a picture
  • an audio file
  • a thing that arranges its content in a grid
  • a thing that given text returns a summarised version of that text
  • a thing that looks like a queue with an input and an output
  • a thing, an NPC who walks around the board and adds questions to your notes

Steve Ruiz, the author of tldraw, said that infinite canvasses are a bit like 2D games where you move the camera. I think he hit the nail on the head here.

When I hear that metaphor what I think is RTS games:

  • borrowing certain RTS UX primitives, e.g. selection, camera panning
  • managing information amount and density (fog of war, LoD)
  • NPCs (perhaps as Matt Webb's Dolphins)

Stephan Nago talks about turning ideas into objects and I imagine that this is at least partially where they'd like to go with the Obsidian canvas. I also like that they use files as the base primitive.

But, I also think that we can go one step farther and merge a canvas with a programming environment, without letting people know they're programming.

When it comes to computing, everyone focuses on Moore's Law, whether more interesting trends are: gradually increasing abstractions and shortening the distance between user intent and the result.


  • Mother of All Demos (of course)
  • N8N
  • Figma, Miro, Mural and all their cousins
  • Obsidian

a better voice recorder (for slavic-language accent-challenged people)

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a giant foot-shaped snail with a house on its back. the house is still in construction, with a big crane towering above it The image is a stylized black-and-white illustration. In the lower left corner, there is a small, cozy-looking house with smoke rising from its chimney. The smoke, however, does not dissipate into the air but instead forms a dark, looming cloud. Within the cloud, the silhouette of a large, menacing face is visible, with its eyes and nose peeking through the darkness. The creature, perhaps a cat, appears to be watching over the house ominously, creating a sense of foreboding or unease.